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Your Best place for Personalized Children's Books! At WiseMaple, you can create thousands of Personalized Story Books that feature your child's name and picture.

DALL·E 2024-01-23 10.57.44 - A playful and fun icon representing a fantasy land on a pure

Bestseller Books

Pick a book you’d love to read to your child and easily add their name and photo to personalize the story

DALL·E 2024-01-20 16.16.52 - A playful and fun 3D icon of a rainbow on a pure white backgr

Let's start your adventure here!


Choose your story type

Choose your story from two customization options.


Choose from store

Pick a book you’d love to read to your child and easily add their name to personalize the story.


Order completely new story

Do you want a personalized children's book with your child's picture and topics? Let's create a unique and memorable custom book together!


Submit your order

Fill the form, purchase it and we'll send your order via email.

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